Chapter 1 - How did Prawn and Soy come into our lives?

Prawn and Soy

A visit to the mechanical workshop that changed everything

One of our workers, Amaia, received a call on Saturday, June 8, from one of her friends explaining what had happened to her in the workshop. And what did he tell you? That when they lifted the car to do the inspection they began to hear some very loud meows inside and that when they dismantled part of the car they had found two very small and scared cats. Yes, they had found Prawn and Soy.

Amaia didn't think twice and ran to the workshop to see what she could do for them. When he arrived he saw that both Gamba and Soja had an eye infection, their mustaches were burned, and their condition was truly alarming.

Prawn the first day we found it with infected eyes

They were immediately taken to their trusted veterinary center to evaluate their condition and see how they could try to cure the infected eyes and burns and rehabilitate them. Luckily, the diagnosis was that with some antibiotics and eye drops they would recover very soon.

Throughout the weekend Amaia was not separated from her two little ones and little by little they were able to recover.

Would you like to see the daily life of Prawn and Soy? You can see it on our Instagram profile @kitcat_es in our featured story for Gamba y Soja. I'm sure you'll love seeing how playful they are!

Follow their progress closely in the following chapters of these little survivors.

We would like to know if you have ever found yourself in a similar situation and what you have done about it. You can leave your comment below!

Tags: Capítulo 1


  • Posted by Monika on

    Nosotros no nos hemos encontrado nunca en esta situación…pero nuestra pequeña Wendy fue encontrada también en el motor de un coche…maulló tanto que cuando salió estaba totalmente afónica! Ahora es una gata feliz junto a sus hermanos!

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